Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Surviving the Economic Crisis - Is Job Sharing an Answer to Rising Unemployment?

Job-sharing or division of labor is a simple idea, but it can cause a major re-thinking of the work rolls. With job sharing, two or more persons share a job. For example, Anita in a job in the morning to work, and Carlos can take place on the same work in the afternoon. Job-sharing is popular with couples, so that husband and wife each work half a day, while in turn transferred to the household and raising children at home.

Job-sharing may provide considerable flexibility forWorkers and organizations. In the last recession, Motorola wanted to cut production at its 9,000-employee Phoenix plant without layoffs. Dismissal would have created hardship for many employees. In addition, high costs would have meant for the training and remember when it was time to resumption of full production. Motorola chose job-sharing as an approach to reduce production costs. It cut the cost of 1.5 million U.S. dollars, and saved more than a thousand jobs.

This may become the latestTrend in the current economic downturn, if we consider it economically makes sense that its better someone is working, rather than a burden on states who are sick, this person can assist with emergency relief. One question that may seem irrelevant today, but faced a challenge in the coming years, even liberal thinkers, the socio-economic problems associated with high unemployment and falling tax revenues.

If we really look at thisConcept that someone his better work and not dependent on the state, even if they are not much in tax, at least they do not have to take out of the mountain of depleted government. A country that would be working in Germany, were actually hidden unemployment reached an unacceptable level and exhausted the governments funding so much that free enterprise with taxes reduced. A recipe that created a nation that punishes companies, encouraged dependencythe state, and made key industries to outsource rather than invest in their own country.

The German example of poor economic management, should be a warning to the States, because of high unemployment, but are unwilling or reluctant to create new ideas to implement a permanent problem that will not go away.

Job sharing employees may not like, but if accepted the possibility of unemployment is then the majority of people, especially the idea of sharing their job, instead, it isPart of a growing underclass of unemployed.

(See Surviving the Economic Crisis, a series of articles) with the new economic changes that we face after the October 2008 crash, and deals with ways in which we were able to adapt and survive these changes

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

India Marches Ahead to Emerge as the Largest Economic Power of the World

For over a century, the United States has the largest economy in the world. Major shifts have taken place but in the last two decades. Over the past 30 years, the weight of the world economy has shifted from the U.S. and the rich countries from Europe to China and India.

Recently, economists have unanimously proclaimed the emergence of all shades of India and China as economic superpowers in the not too distant future. The World Bank says India will become the thirdlargest economy after China and the United States by 2025th

World Bank Managing Director Graeme Wheeler, was recently found in India, India tremendous progress in recent years and stressed the need for maintaining the growth in high-value sectors, together with steps in the health and education sectors.

Clyde Prestowitz in his book "Three Billion New Capitalists? The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East: writes," that is until 2030, overtaking India Japan dollars in absolute termsPPP does not, and in the second half of this century will be the largest economy. The really long-term miracle in India comes about because of demographics. China's one-child policy will ultimately be reduced in one, and aging, employees perform. "

According to Wikipedia, which is currently India's economic growth (such as the World-second fastest growing large economy), its position on the political stage in the world to improve, though it is still a developing country, but athat will show a strong development. Many nations are moving to forge better relations with India. "

The last annual CIA report says the economy in India is the world's fourth-largest in terms of real GDP (PPP) after the United States, the People's Republic of China and Japan, and the second fastest growing large economies in the world, on average, at a annual growth rate of over 8%. The record growth in third quarter of 2003, when it was more than any other emergingto 10.4%.

Interestingly, the IMF estimates that by 2007 India's third largest economy in the world, overtaking the Japanese economy. The growth rate is likely to increase the impact rate, about 8% in relation to GDP (PPP).

The annual report by the Asian Development Bank 2003-2004 has mentioned that Primary Sector wise India is growing at 8% per year is the world's second largest producer of food to China. Food accounts for 69.4 billion USD in gross income. Secondary Sectoras India is still a relatively small player in the production compared to many world leaders. Some new trends suggest an improvement in the future. Tertiary and Quaternary Sector wise India currently has a growing IT industry as one of the best in the world. Some have begun to describe India as a technology superpower.

A recent report by the Foreign Office of the United States of America has concluded that the rich countries of Europe have seen the largest declinein global GDP share by 4.9 percentage points, from the U.S. and Japan with a decline of around 1 percentage point each followed. The report further says Within Asia the declining global share of Japan together since 1990, more than by the rising share of China and India. Between 1975 and 2002, Japan's share of world GDP by 1 percentage point, while the increase of South Korea, ASEAN, India and China by 1 percentage point to 1.2 points, 2.2 percentage points and 9.2 percentage pointsPoints, respectively.

Since the U.S. share in world GDP falls (from 21 percent to 18 percent), and in India (up from 6 percent to 11 percent in 2025) This is India's third largest economy by 2025. By 2025, the Indian economy is projected to be about 60 percent of the size of the U.S. economy. This transformation into a tri-polar economy will be completely until 2035, only slightly smaller with the Indian economy as the U.S. economy but larger than in Western Europe.

VariousReports of the FBI, said that if things go well in India, it could overtake China by mid-century and could be the largest economy in the world caused by it. The way the Indian economy will not see this possibility unlikely.

To be in that one glance, the answer lies in the book by Prestowitz where he says the big story between now and 2025 will be China, but after that it is India. "Indian demographics are pretty strong. Half of the Indian population isunder the age of 20. Whereas China will age rapidly in another 10-15 years, India doesn't age very much at all. India will surpass China in population somewhere around 2030, so in the latter half of the century India is likely to be the biggest economy. I know there's still something of a socialist hangover in India but it's very much a capitalist economy, one which is driven by entrepreneurs rather than government fiat, which is still very much the case in China."

Perhaps that distant Dream of regaining their past glory as the number one in terms of knowledge and economic power are so far true. Only time will predict this.

Dr. Suvrokamal Dutta

(The author is a renowned Foreign Affairs and Economic Expert)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to Remain Immune From Economic Downturn

We give in a difficult economic phase. The perception of the general economic growth and financial well-being is very negative. The income from the Standard and Poor's 500 index are probably the worst record since 1991. Many investors stay on the edge now with cash.

Since most people are concerned about the difficult times before emerging, there are many strategies ensure that investors can follow to protect theirInvestment.

Non-cyclical stocks

These provide an excellent defense against economic difficulties. Most important in this category are food, food, energy and healthcare stocks. These are the things of primary necessity. The people they have to buy in any economic conditions. The demand for their products is bound to remain high. Thus, investment in this type of stock is an excellent safety net. Remain a good part of a portfolio should always be invested inthese non-cyclical businesses.

Not only are these stocks a good defense against the present economic recession, they are also a long-term hedge against inflation. Many of them can even record growth in bad times. In normal times are likely to realize double-digit growth.

Insurance Sector

As the basic needs of life one is always insurance. Life and property remain in demand even in the worst conditions. Not only do theyweather slowing business, they also provide large payouts. Stability in their prices has always rendered them quite popular amongst the investing public.

Banks are also a good defense against recessions. These are not likely to fall as much as the overall market. In fact ones amongst them which do not have too much exposure to risky lending will do better. Investors need to watch out for them.

Investing in Energy And Health

Energy and health sectors will always remain the Favorites. The key in this category are clearly the oil and pipeline companies. You can always outsiders in them with great potential. With oil prices expected to remain at about $ 85 now, Energy shares continue to develop well.

Another area in the energy sector is the non-renewable energy. However, one must be careful here. The main difficulty in this group is that many of them are not yet economically viable. Due to the high energy prices, they come into theLimelight. Some of them can provide efficient excellent returns in the days to come. Watch for companies developing wind energy.

Positioning for long-term and Short Term

A balanced portfolio should consist of both long-and short-term investments. While cyclical stocks may be short-term investments, often non-cyclical is good for the duration.

Other Resource Companies

In addition to grain and natural gas can also use other resources are gold, silver and other miningShares.

Global Presence

Diversification worldwide. The world no longer depends too much on a specific country like the United States. It should be a good mix of countries have, for the purpose of investment. If you get a great balanced portfolio under-performing countries can be compensated with new ones by over-capacity.


You should always include a cost-benefit analysis. You can also check to obtain money for the use of low investment in falling markets. But oneshould not be held to raise money for a long time.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

China's Mercantilism and New Global Economic Order

Modern communications technology has reached China, a centralized bureaucracy, a smaller chance is too overwhelmed and too top-heavy. The danger of melting in the central parts of the regional structures with rebellious episodes, has been declining every year. The risk is not completely gone, if rapid economic growth bumps into serious stagnation and even reversal of GDP. To date, China has the creaky uneven centralization of the 18th Century in France andis happy to apply large-scale mercantile practices.

Chinese society is not yet fully urbanized and are consolidated. Beijing can not exercise Cutting mercantilist practices of Japan and Singapore. Chinese political center recently overcame last remnants of feudalism, warlords and peripheral regional integration. After having worked with, China is pursuing the same economic path that allows Kaiser's Germany to grow rapidly by taking advantage of the BritishPost-mercantilism, free trade period. It is very historically appropriate. There is no need for Beijing to Spanish, British or French to emulate mercantilist experience.

For a nation of 5-year plans, it is worth trying to develop steps and jump from the macro-economy to those in Germany Imperial Japan to skip. To date, China has neomercantilist rapid development made by the book:

1) Government imposed a positive balance of trade, protectionism and currency control (Yuanpegged to the dollar)

2) self-sufficiency in agriculture and the manufacture of simple to more sophisticated goods

3) the purchase of large amounts of money and gold (about one trillion U.S. dollars worth more than 2009). Controls to prevent wealth from flowing out of the country by protectionist restrictions on imports

4) large scale mining and infrastructure projects to increase the use of indigenous resources and the terrain. Hamilton and angina Adams would be proud of what coastal elite in Beijinghave achieved over the past 20 years. China has also secured exports 60% of resources in Africa and structural integration, Central Asia and Siberia, Russia in their resources feeding network.

5) that the entire population, wages are low increase in total manufacturing exports to the country. This is easily achieved by underdevelopment of the western provinces like Tibet. A child is more on the wealthier Mandarin coalition government imposed than the periphery of ethnic groups. UnequalImplementation of child policy holds periphery ethnic groups are more fertile and poorer. Coastal urban people spend more dominant forces on the creation of jobs advanced wealth rather than saving to expand several children.

6) Run by imports of natural resources and limited large-scale buyouts by foreign experts talent in anything from engineering, electronics, industry, science and hard

Current opinion and international action so far has just reactive. Westernersare mainly to prevent attempts in China, focusing rapid depreciation of the dollar bought (before eventually all of them are on the natural resources used anyway) through the creation of an international reserve currency. Some look like the global recession can be used by China to manufacture from the less developed to move the prices to compete with Germans and Japanese when it comes to sophisticated electronics and electro-coming cars. Chinese confidence in constructive criticism of the existing internationalEconomy has often been noted.

Very little attention was paid to the impact of the world is grown in a mercantilist arrangement. China is always predictable and, thus, necessary. Originally, Britain was economically successful because it has free trade theory mercantilist practice earlier than in Spain or France. She stayed one step ahead of the competition. However, the new economic hybrid has created oligarchal capitalist interests,then used to reduce the liberal theory of government involvement in the economy. Wealthy exporting interests (who controls the House of Commons and opinions of the people through print media) are used appeals to individual freedom for the dismantling of mercantilism / free trade made hybrid that Britain rich and powerful from the beginning. England went along, but economically as hybrid companies have declined to build new waves of industrial plants by neomercantilist practices (Germany / USA).As Britain declined in the industrial power, they lead focused on its core competencies and strength of handling money and to ensure that the torch has been handed down Wall Street in the 20th Century. The big banks competing hubs in Europe (Paris, Berlin, Moscow) were looted during the wars / revolutions. We now see what happens when banks and finance is the core strength and focus of the economy.

China is now in the process of transition to the final stage of production asset concentration by focusing onDevelopment of advanced products such as cars and computers. Rapid economic integration of Taiwan and Hong Kong will soon help in this process. Created Western investment in Taiwan know a base for high technology and competitiveness. Many Taiwanese oligarchs have basically already integrated their mainland businesses. Ideologically, Taiwan Kuomintang political center, can now seamlessly work with the Chinese authorities. People forget the importance of socialism in Chiang KaiChek original nationalist ideology.

Very soon, China manufacture of high-tech products will begin to look (with Germany and Japan for markets in Russia, Europe and North America to compete as well at the lower end of cheap electric cars sold in developing countries). They will be forced to use existing international free trade system (perhaps by the IMF's special drawing rights for the rights of the basket of currencies stabilized), to promote these products abroad.

As the Chinese like the world would see her soonProducts flow on mid-western markets? You want to see not protectionism from Europe, Russia, Japan and North America. To see the rule of law and respect of everyone in the capitalist world. They would get on well with North America and Europe reduced to the South American-style resource providers and destinations. We see that, when China will take Japanese level significance for the high-tech exports, they be in a position to consolidate and then finally at the national level and to relaxthe amount of force needed to maintain social stability.

In a few decades, the communist leadership in Beijing will be able to say that not only do they bring the people out of poverty, but they:

1) beat the West with their own weapons, such as Japan have (but) without a period of war for resources

2) creates a real sense of nationalism, inter-ethnic peace and modern nation, such as Chiang Kai Chek was

3) to avoid errors in the Soviet Union through perestroikaand simultaneously, a reasonable use of the fruits of communist mass literacy and the importance of science / technology

4) took the torch from the United States as a global role model when it comes to free trade, peaceful coexistence, the lack of interference in the affairs of other societies, isolationism, respect the limits of the small states, and the cooperation of companies

5) more built for the Third World than the financially oriented English speakers through the exchange of resources for real engineeringProjects

6) contributed to a stabilizing one world currency for international development also

Such claims it is the Communist Party of the election after the election win for a number of decades, even if they will allow political pluralism. Many Asian countries remain a party rule for decades, even after democratization. Cultural collectivism and the emphasis of the agreement allows elites to cooperate smoothly. Taking into account the experiences of Great Britain, China easilycontinue to develop pragmatic approach, building from a financial center of Hong Kong, bringing new resources (such as helium-3 from the exploration of outer space), and leaders of mankind, by their center of progress.

History has shown that the leading elites not allow unfettered ascent. Cutting means and a limit is too obvious hostility. Imperial Japan and Germany have shown, dass advanced hybrid of mercantilism and free trade (from a company strong enough economically andtechnology) is the only way to counterbalance China's dominance. Only the European Union to speak English and Russian allies have what it takes to compete effectively and to prevent the formation of a long-term hegemon, that culturally and psychologically uncomfortable for Westerners.

At the beginning of the article was to show how Chinese bureaucracy has mentioned, a small chance again destabilized. There is precedent for this happening on numerous occasions in the history of China withterrible civil wars and rebellions from poorer less developed periphery. China's Gini index, shows the country's income inequality between the rich and the poor, demonstrates that China is itself economically unequal as the United States. Today in Beijing authoritarian rule keeps the lid on problems of elites from either the oligarchs coastal groups, rural / urban and regional groups to emulate Western liberals.

European Union the task of dealing with the near future, include the following:

1) As a proactivereactive rather than moving on Chinese, American or Russian

Expand 2) The acquisition of valuable ally to influence. First Does that work with Russia to take American-British influence from Central Europe, and then press with England American influence from NATO. NATO can then be terminated and America so before working as an equal force.

3) As a pragmatic and not looking at human rights in the acquisition of resources from other nations. Europe still has time to lock in substantialVolumes of commodity exports from the developing world, especially in Africa. It may be in Russia in the development of Arctic energy reserves and helped Russia surpassed the Chinese extraction / exploration company in Central Asia.

4) consolidation of the EU structures, such as the European Parliament, so that further action consistent with become more popular European implemented legitimacy.

5) The extended collective protectionist ways to keep an edge in high-tech products in order to stay one step aheadChina. Contribute constructively to the global currency or education by the IMF, where the West still dominate.

To manage 6) Working with the USA and England to the geopolitical, social and economic decline of the United States peacefully and productively. Invite young American professionals in the European Union on social pressure to displace less assimilative Muslim immigrants. If the stable cooperation adults alike mediator between Russia and the United States, so the twoformer superpowers can contribute productively and nuclear safety. Open borders for young educated Westerners from all over the world to counterbalance the aging of Europe.

7) Development work closely with regional powers like Japan and India to counterbalance China's influence culture. To achieve this, the rapidly expanding economic cooperation with them in the field of climate change, building infrastructure, energy, military and aerospace

8) Comprehensive public awareness on climatechange and the loss of technological advantage, which in China is not confrontational conditions. The leadership in the knowledge of petty power struggles (such as Poland, the mistrust of the Russian co-operation in Europe) and offer tangible economic / incentives for the development of key players to overcome.

Brussels has enough time to work more effectively to consolidate China. It requires the same long-term vision, developmental biology and a good eye, historical sense, as obsessed with their Chinese politburoCounterparts. Europe is economically egalitarian than China. It has more cutting power elites and professionals. There must be a way of Russian-American nuclear umbrella (not to be protected will find that) are controlled by them, so that it is not spent too much money for an integrated European defense is. Together, the Western peoples of the world close to a billion people, and did so much of a shot like Chinese (talking less than half the sentence of the Chinese Mandarin dialect). Western civilization is thequalitative know-how to provide robust competition of all humanity will benefit.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Surviving the Economic Turmoil and Thriving When Better Times Return

With the economy continues to deteriorate as you want in the next year?

Temporarily put aside, financial and economic worries, 3 basic truths you your planning.

Truth No. 1: Houses are still bought and sold are

Yes, it is not so many buyers.

And there will be fewer people with more sellers listing and anxious than in the recent past.

With fewer customers in the market, competition will be stronger than everbefore.

Surely listing prices will be lower than in previous years.

The result is, you have to work harder and create more intelligent, and leads and produce new business. It is also likely that the average commission per transaction will be less next year, that last year.

To hold the 2008 level of income will probably be asked to take care of more customers next year. But that's not all bad ... more customers to increase the cumulative lifetime value of customers and generatemore repeat and referral business.

Realistically, does not mean the end of a busy market in the disappearance of the result of either the market itself or its customers. The transition to a slower market where you can find to do is wiser that the people who need your assistance work.

Truth No. 2: Everything good and bad ... ... Things that will end sooner or later

Inevitably, when we are enjoying good times, they end sooner than we want.

On the other hand, we usually feel that bad timestoo long.

For most of the past two decades, we have unprecedented economic growth.

Many economists believe the good times past would have ended ... For most of us it ended too soon.

No one knows how long it will take the current prolonged economic turbulence.

Most people believe, however, that it is indeed the end ... sooner or later.

From my experience, there are two important things I learned.

One is that no matter how largethey are not good times last forever. Certainly it is good to celebrate the wealth generated success ... but not too much ... It is not permanent.

Conversely, do not let the frustrations of a weakening economy drag down too low to improve things, almost before you know it.

And secondly, if you own your own business, I believe the best is yet to come, but expect the worst.

Certainly, the current economic turmoil end, but until then we must accept the reality,that they are here.

Truth # 3: You can not influence the economy, you can only control how you react

Even the brightest and probably the most able economists and politicians can not influence the global economy.

Do not get dragged down into and through the ongoing spate of economic news upset depressed.

Instead, concentrate on what you can Control-your actions.

Doing what we can well

Keep doing this, find what you do: andServe customers.

Improve your marketing ... do not ignore it.

Changing wear your marketing plan on the economic uncertainties into account. Determine how you and the
Resources available will help you survive the bad times, and further if better times to be successful.

Economic uncertainty also affects clients.

They you need to about the market conditions in their neighborhood advice. And it is equally important, they need assurance that you are stillready, willing and able to help them.

By searching for your customers they will continue to look after you

Changing economic conditions increase the importance of keeping in touch with customers.

And if you look after your customers, they will also take care of you. How do you stay in touch with them, provided them with the information necessary to repeat it continues to generate referral business for you.

It is through this constant source of new business youwill survive the economic downturn and prosper when better times.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How China's Economic Crisis Impacts Your Money

This morning we woke up to play an economic giant, flexing its muscles. The Chinese government decided to pump an additional boost to the economy. . . $ 4 trillion yuan's worth. That is about $ 586 billion U.S. dollars. They say they are doing to help the world, but everyone knows that a lie.

The real reason why so much money. . . More on that in a minute.

Part of the reason for action in China is their decision to follow in the footsteps of the global> Business leaders. Just last week we witnessed the last battle in the credit crisis war. larger quantities of the stimulus was injected into the global markets of the major central banks.

The European Central Bank (ECB) cut interest rates by 50 basis points. You try to loosen the credit log jam, and stimulate greater economic growth. The ECB was concerned about the runaway inflation. That's why gas prices so high for so long. Now CPI figures are lower for the third even-numbered months (indicating little threat of inflation) and concentrate from the economy to.

As an example, Spain has been growing for more than 15 years. This quarter, they bust on their first.

The ECB was not the only central bank to work hard.

Reduce the Bank of England (BOE) reinforces all the great interest rates by 150 basis points. Thus, the interest rate was seen at 3% - a level not since 1955. Like the ECB, the BOE to credit and> Economic recession.

Everyone follows the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Both measures following the recent Federal Reserve interest-rate cut. They continue the U.S. markets with the stimulus flooding. The 700 billion U.S. dollars bank bailout package begins to be distributed. Everyone's watching the credit markets too narrowly.

So back to China.

China's economic stimulus package rather than harmonics of the major construction projects the U.S. in the 1930s. The plan calls for implementation of more roads, airports and moreSpending on infrastructure. But that's not all. Farmers are always supported, as well as health and education sectors.

They did not someone, even high-tech is a part of the stimulus package.

What drives this fascination? When you hear the PR people, it is her desire to help the world. In reality, it is used a lot more confidence. Business in China is suffering.

Think about it. Global spending slowed. We are not just tightening our beltshere in the U.S., but it has happened in the world.

China exports a lot of cheap goods from the rest of the world consumes.

If nobody buys, then factories start to close and get the employees fired. It comes here in the U.S., and it certainly is happening in China. According to official estimates, growth slowed to its lowest level in five years. Some are planning economic growth in China to eventually fall to zero.

This is a frightening scenario. If growth slows downClose enough, and more and more factories, large parts of their workforce will be unemployed. And that's one thing can lead. . . Unrest.

This is the scenario of the central planners in China provides. This is the great fear. They will focus on anything they can do to be done for. Your first step is a massive boost. (This is not the last of the China bailouts).

How does this affect you?

China is a major global exporter. The economy is closely linkedon almost every other country in the world. If the economy begins to falter world feel their pain. Much like when the U.S. fights so does the rest of the world.

That tells me the place for our investment dollars into safe-haven investments.

Overseas economies are much more than in the U.S. are injured. We can see some devaluing currencies in the coming months. This allows the rest of the world will be in safe investments to frighten. And the safest investment is the U.S. -- Dollars.

Now do not get, I am not wrong, the U.S. economy in a difficult situation. Factory orders, a measure of the demand for industrial goods in the U.S. by 2.5% in September. A clear sign companies are cuts in spending. The job market is reflected also see this as a precautionary measure. We have more than 1.2 million U.S. jobs lost this year. Surprisingly, 50% of them were lost in recent months.

Despite these concerns, the U.S. dollar as one of the strongest currencies in the world.> Economic turmoil that the U.S. market meets the rest of the world's rocking even harder. And we see it in China now. This is a trend to stabilize until the global credit markets.

When you learn more about our thoughts on the global economy and how they benefit from currency trading check out Currency Options Insider.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is Economic Growth good?

Jonathan Wolff asks whether economic growth is really good.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction - Making Growth Work For the Poor

1. Introduction

The question of whether economic growth leads to a reduction of poverty is an issue of great controversy today. The neo-liberal view, this problem is that growth for the poor is good, and that poverty through economic growth can be alleviated. In this essay, I argue that if the poor to participate in importance in the economy and the constraints that hinder their participation from the labor force, growth can not only help in reducing poverty. The state shouldalso play an important role in the poor benefit from growth through the pursuit of poor policies. In the following paragraphs, I will define what is pro-poor growth, to spell out the constraints, pro-poor growth, and what can be done to ensure growth that benefits the poor.

2. Definition of: pro-poor growth

After Ravillion and Datt (1991:19), pro-poor growth can be defined as "growth, and includes benefits the poor." In other words, pro-poor growth requires the maximumParticipation of marginalized groups in all areas. Ravallion and Datt further argue that pro-poor growth, characterized by, inter alia, as they call it "deliberate transfers to the extreme poor who are not in a position themselves out of poverty. Is essentially the argument that it has made progress have is that the poor need help or intervention, thus it means to benefit from growth. This is that pro-poor growth is a deliberate measure to the poor benefit from growth, rather thanLeaving the poor to the fate of the "invisible hand of the market. This is the definition of an enabling environment to do, where the poor have the opportunity to participate meaningful in the economy.

Occur by Kydd et al (2001:10) pro-growth, under the following conditions:

 price or increase productivity in tradable products with a high average share in the poor spending.

 prices and increasing productivity in tradable products withexcellent work performance of the poor.

 changes in technology or reduce barriers to entry, so do not lead the poor in the production of non-tradable goods, which they previously did not participate or have that

 gains in a significant number of non-poor, the extended requirements for goods or services produced by the poor as a result of the cause before spending or connections.

It is important to note that not all growth is pro-poor. Here are some of the characteristics orAspects of growth that are not in favor of the poor:

 Differences in the distribution of wealth

 Increases in rural poverty

 growth, agricultural development, despite the role he ignored in the fight against poverty

 Lack of investment in health and education, which play a crucial role in the fight against poverty

 Failure to reduce inequalities and lack of programs to the needs of the poor are(

As Acocella (1998:162) notes, it is important to remember that the growth does not always lead to the fact that human development. The growth can occur without significant impact on human development, particularly in view of the poor. Acocella also claims that the real development or growth occurs when improving the welfare of the people. Growth do not lead to improving the welfare of the people who can not be said to be developmental in nature. Real growth, such as ferro -et al (2002:4) note, the development lead of the people, which means "the poor contribute to and benefit from this growth. It is clear that pro-poor growth is not automatic, without the implementation of the appropriate measures be helpful to facilitate the manifestation of their experience. There are policies and practices that may impede pro-poor growth instead of to. I investigate some of the next section.

3. Restrictions on pro-poor growth

For the poorGrowth occur in any society, it is important to ensure that all barriers to prevent the poor from achieving their goals. Failure or reluctance to go with these obstacles can thwart the progress of poor people and hinder ultimately a strategy to combat poverty successfully with the issue of poverty. Here are some of the constraints that may negatively affect pro-poor growth:

3.1 Inequality and lack of access to market

It is difficult to trackPolicy in favor of the poor in the countries which are characterized by inequality. Stewart argues (1995:209) that it is difficult to develop pro-poor policies in unequal societies. He gives an example of unequal societies such as Ghana, Mexico and the Philippines, where he argues that the growth has not made any impact on the poor. These companies are starting with Indonesia, "with an egalitarian structure, and a pro-poor pattern of growth as opposed to. Other examples are purely East AsianCompanies because of their effective strategies for dealing with inequality could reduce the extent of poverty in a dramatic way. This means that there is a correlation between poverty and inequality. May (2002:2) also shows that the policies were pursued by the inequality of the apartheid government in South Africa not good for poverty reduction, since they exclude certain groups from participation in the economy of the country. The spread of inequality resulted loss of assets such as landand use by animals and the denial of opportunities to these advantages, by limiting access to markets, infrastructure and education.

The problem with inequality is that it leads to social exclusion, in which certain groups have no chance or services. The exclusion of the poor from participating in importance in the economy can adversely affect their welfare. In an economy where inequality is high, the poor typically receive a higher share of benefits fromGrowth compared to an economy that is characterized by a high degree of inequality. View as Ravallion and Datt (1997:7), "Inequality in the possession of material and human resources are likely to influence the prospects for poor people to participate in economic growth". A policy that is pro-poor is to ensure that poor access to markets and infrastructure. It is clear that in cases where there is no equality between different socio-economic classes, depending onMarket forces and the invisible hand of Adam Smith to meet basic needs is just wishful thinking.

3.2 fiscal constraints

Governments, especially in developing countries find it difficult to pursue pro-poor growth strategies and approaches to alleviating poverty by fiscal constraints. Structural Adjustment Programs are in most cases makes things worse. The reality is that governments generally with the challenge faced is to reduce spending, socialServices, which are supposed to benefit the poor. This means that spent less money for essential services such as health, education and other basic services. Cuts in public spending, which directly impact on the poor 2001:57 (Howard). However, it is important to note that the state is to address global challenges and limitations in their attempt to take measures that are faced in the fight against poverty, pursue good. It is a global pressure on the state to a less "directive" role in the takeoverEconomy.

3.3 Reducing the role of the state

The liberalization of markets, which goes with globalization, is a rollback, inter alia, lobbying for the state, the lifting of restrictions on prices and quantities to be moved and stored. As Howard (2001:57) rightly observes that "financial liberalization increases poverty and inequality". In the context of globalization, governments are forced to liberalize their markets. However, the crucial question of whetherLiberalization of markets to benefit the poor. There are different reactions to them. There are those who view globalization as beneficial for the poor, particularly in terms of opportunities it provides for trade and new markets. On the other hand there are those who view it as harmful.

As shown Levinson (2001:11), Globalization 'pro-poor in some countries and harm other countries. Although there is a general call for rollback of the state "to give way tomarkets to work (if they work at all), the state has a role to play not to do, especially in terms of things people for themselves. It is especially among the poor, to people who are not in employment based on age, disability, chronic illness or otherwise unable to socially excluded or discriminated against can participate. The poverty of these people by Streeten (1995:253) can not be removed, or by facilitating the market, but by deliberate "pressurefor social services and transfer payments and elimination of discrimination. The focus on reducing the role of government in the economy can have negative effects on pro-poor growth.

Held for pro-poor growth, the state should play a crucial role in protecting the redistribution of resources and opportunities through the transfer of assets, prioritization of the poor in public spending and liberalizing the market in addressing the livelihoods of vulnerable people. As Ferro et al(2002:19) point out, is "an instrument of government, people in the development process. Therefore, government can play a crucial role to play in the pro-poor growth by developing the right strategies for dealing with poverty.

4. What can be done to get the poor benefit?

The following are some of the things that have to be done in order to benefit the poor:
 There is a need for the development of human capital is concentrated, especially among the poor in order to prepare them to be useful in the participationEconomy.

 The poor need better access to markets, are mainly in terms of credit --

 There is a need for bias against the poor in public spending, taxation, trade and regulatory environment is corrected.

5. Conclusion

Pro-poor growth policies are essential for a meaningful reduction in poverty. The 2015 target of halving income poverty can only be achieved if countries can adopt pro-poor growth strategies. It would be difficult to achieve the 2015Destination without "pro-poor shift in distribution pattern (Mutum 2000). Something needs to be done to improve the condition of the poor, by ways that make improving access to markets easier for them. It is noteworthy that even in cases in which markets operate, they can not always pro-poor work, given the constraints discussed above.

If these constraints are not treated or removed, growth is no significant effect on the lives of the poor. It is necessary to learnfrom past mistakes with regard to the relationship between growth and poverty reduction. Sen (1986, cited in Sachs show 1991:292) this clear: "country after another, the hard way that the so-called trickle-down" is false theory learned that growth can immiserizing that famines in times of boom also happen when people claim not allowed to buy and / or food are needed to stay alive, "producing

Given the level of poverty in the world today, there areFor this reason it is necessary for change in strategy or approach in dealing with poverty reduction, by the pro-poor growth. This means, among other things, an understanding that growth alone is not to combat poverty. The Director of the World Bank, Ian Goldin indicated the importance come the pro-poor growth: "We have to understand economic growth, if necessary, is not enough to deal with poverty" (Sunday Times, 1 September 2002: 15 ).

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