Sunday, April 11, 2010

Interview for "Multitudes at the Crossroads" Author F. J. Colberg

Reader Views welcomes author F.J. Colberg, as he talks about his new book "Multitudes at the Crossroads. F. J. Colberg is talking with Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views.

Juanita: Thanks for talking with us today F. J. Please tell us what your book "Multitudes at the Crossroads" is all about.

Frank: I want to thank you for the opportunity to present this project to your readers. The book examines the recurring cycles in history, nature, economy and how these cycles and tendencies are converging before our very eyes, with very serious implications. When the events of the Middle East, the race for oil and the emergence of China as an economic powerhouse, are examined carefully, we can only come to the conclusion that powerful hiccups are coming our way. Then the Bible's prophetic relevance comes to life, as the events we are witnessing are clearly foretold by inspired prophets. The book examines these events and their implications.

Juanita: What inspired you to write your book?

Frank: For some years now I have had a great deal of interest in history, economy and the social sciences in general, and as I read into these topics I began to observe an emerging picture of deterioration or entropy, if you will, in our social fiber. As I began to put my thoughts on paper, the tsunami hit, and a great sense of urgency came over me. It was like a veil was lifted from my eyes and suddenly two plus two equaled four. Most people see the news, that is what the networks would have us see, not realizing that a tendency is clearly developing. I think most people don't give these topics more thought, out of a sense of impotence. Even though the book presents difficult times ahead, it also presents hope for a new world, without war, hunger and the suffering we are involved in.

Juanita: You talk about cycles and the effect they have on modern times. Can you explain how and why history repeats itself in this way?

Frank: Everywhere we look we can observe patterns that are continually repeated. We know that after the darkest night, the sun will rise. Seasons come and go with regularity. So too with most things that affect human nature. After a terrible war, think WWI , men spoke of it as "he war to end all wars". Well, we know that WWII was just around the corner. The cycle has been repeating for ages untold, so why would we not think that another, more terrible war is in the cards? If we look at empires we can mention Assyria, the Babylonians, conquered by the Persians, the Greeks, Romans and on and on until we come to our great nation. How long before the barbarians knock down our gates, is anybody's guess, but they will be there, in time. Somebody said, "the only thing that we have learned from history is that we don't learn from history". We can apply the same to weather patterns; we know that hurricanes have an intense period of activity and then a relatively quite period. We forgot and build on our coastlines as if the storms were never coming back. We will pay dearly for our forgetfulness as the pattern reasserts itself. We can say the same for economic times of prosperity and lack, yet we live as if there will be no tomorrow. Winston Churchill said something like "the further back we look in history, the more we see into the future". How true!

Juanita: What are some examples of things that are going on today that can be directly understood through the Bible?

Frank: Juanita, to many the Bible is nothing but an allegorical collection of stories that make for great bedtime reading. In reality it is more a message from beyond time and space, containing all the wisdom necessary to understand the world around us and not be confused by the events we are living. A clear example is the events of the Middle East. You do not have to be a Bible scholar to know that there will not be any peace there anytime soon. Without being a prophet I can confidently tell you that in the near future Israel's only ally, the US, will also turn its back on the Jews. But no matter what the Arab nations do they will not succeed in driving Israel into the sea. Not while God is in control. The same promise that brought Israel back to the land in 1948, will keep her there, with much tribulation, until the Lord returns.

Juanita: What other significant examples are of most concern to you?

Frank: We know that nature will go thru much despair, and this in turn will mean famine, plagues and then, political unrest as never before. The book of Revelation goes into great detail of these not so distant events. There the picture is of four horsemen, one being a great political figure that will appear to bring peace and solutions to the troubled world, but instead will make the likes of Stalin and Hitler pale by comparison.

Juanita: How did those that prophesized our future in the bible, know what would happen in a time so far away?

Frank: This is the part that is most difficult for most to accept. The only explanation I know of is that the Bible is the inspired revelation of a God outside our limited dimensions, reaching out and revealing Himself to us. We know that the Old Testament was in existence as an integral document, translated from Hebrew to Greek 300 years before Christ in the Egyptian learning center of Alexandria. Yet it gives hundreds of prophesies about Jesus' coming, some as specific as to the sleepy village He would be born in, named Bethlehem, and that He would be crucified, in death, when that barbaric method of capital punishment was not yet being used. So the difference of hundreds of years as opposed to a couple of thousand, just places the revelation outside of the constraints of time.

Juanita: What is happening politically worldwide and how has this been prophesized in the Bible?

Frank: For one thing we know that the problems are getting more complex by the day. Wars are a different monster with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Al Gore is not the only one concerned about Global Warming and all its implications. This all translates to a greater need for effective leadership, something that is more difficult as more polarized positions need to be bridged. Going back to history, we see that the great dictators of our times - Mao, Hitler, Stalin - all flourished when the corresponding societies were in shambles. Humans have a great need for paternalistic protection. So when things get really ugly we seek refuge in a strong hand that promises to pull us thru. The Bible speaks of a world dictator that will rule a "one world government" that promises peace, as well as a solution to currency instability, identity security and food and energy shortages. This guy is not going to play by anybody's rules, but his own. We have been warned.

Juanita: The Middle East is one of people's biggest topics of concern. What is the significance of the happenings in this region and how does it pertain to the Bible?

Frank: The Bible warns that Jerusalem would be a heavy burden to the nations. We are witness to this. To most people world wide the solution is to do away, somehow, with Israel as they are to blame for all the hostilities. They are in a no-win situation. They concede land for peace and only manage to get attacked from closer to their own territory. The Bible says that it all began in that region of the world, and it will all conclude there also. The prophet's description is of a terrible war that will bring all the armies of the nations for one final battle, Armageddon. Nuclear exchanges will take place; how long before one madman releases his trump card in desperation? It's only a matter of time, and it's running late! Ultimately the Bible describes these events as necessary to usher in Jesus' return before we wipe ourselves off the planet.
Juanita: What do you think has ultimately caused the downward spiral that seems to be happening globally in these times?

Juanita: All these events, political, environmental and social, are tied in together with man positioning himself as the center of the universe. Global warming and the ecological situation is related to the disregard of responsibility to a higher authority, as in the creator; after all, if we are the result of one Big Bang, so let another bang fix it, or not. Corporate and governmental corruption are the natural result of our own unchecked greed, why not, are we not the center of the universe? And if we are, what difference, if it feels good...just do it. When everything became relative, our own destruction became inevitable.

Juanita: What is your understanding of the Apocalypse?

Frank: This is just the picture of the future events that the prophet, John was given to keep the church aware and out of the dark, as God's ultimate plan of redemption is played out.

Juanita: What are some of the distressing events soon to occur that will greatly change our way of life?

Frank: Jesus himself described a time that the distressing factors would be like "birth pains". The implication here is that events of a troubling nature would grow in intensity as well as frequency. If we look at earthquakes, tsunamis, heat waves, crop failures, terrorist attacks and any other troubling event, we find that they are increasing in frequency and intensity. If we look at the situation with oil, most experts agree that the best is behind us, with all sorts of implications for a society that lives by and thru oil. Any isolated event like Katrina in New Orleans has great repercussions throughout. A combination of a few of these events, and our lives would be turned upside down, with little hope of recovery. A society without hope is a desperate society.

Juanita: What can we expect for our future? What advice can you give to those concerned about the state of the world today?

Frank: I think that once people begin to see where we are in regards to the times we are living, things can begin to change in our lives. Putting priorities in order is the first necessity in preparedness, and being prepared is our best hope of weathering the storm that is at the door. Many need to examine their spending habits, others draw closer to family. Ultimately, recognizing our dependence on Jesus Christ is the only safe harbor. I chose to believe the Bible, it hasn't been wrong yet.

Juanita: Your message has significant basis through the prophetic words in the Bible. Do you feel that one has to be a devoutly religious, surrendering to Jesus, to make it though these troubling times, or will others with diverse religious backgrounds also be safe?

Frank: Juanita, people who embrace the Bible as the true word of God, will cite Jesus' words that teach that "none come to the father, except by Him". Being in Jesus is the ultimate assurance of security for whatever life throws at you, disease, economic hardships, or the events to come. These trying times are God's way of calling our attention back to Him. The "great tribulation" is going to be particularly difficult for the Jews, who are a 'chosen' people. I believe that all will render an account in accordance to what they know. God gave man a conscience to guide him, and that conscience points to what is right and wrong above the religious rhetoric of different beliefs. A believer in Islam, who blows up innocent civilians, in an attempt to impose his cause, will have a hard time reconciling his conscience with his acts.

Juanita: Frank, you mentioned earlier that though your book presents difficult times ahead, it also presents hope for a new world, without war, hunger and the suffering we are involved in. What hope do you think we have in really turning things around at this point?

Frank: When I look at the events in the Middle East, the escalation of war and all the destruction that results, it is hard to be optimistic in of our own accord. The Lebanese youth are enraged at what they perceive as unjustified aggression. The Israelis, likewise. As the destruction adds up, the opportunities for reconciliation, the hope of living a 'happy, normal life', diminish with each missile. Desperation set in and you have a fresh pool of youth willing to blow themselves up, trading in a hopeless reality for the delusion of countless virgins in another existence. I do think that every effort should be put forth to address these problems- we should be seeking a resolution to political tension, we should be adopting children in Africa to stop the hunger, we should become aware of our environment and protect it in any way we can. We can make a huge difference in individual lives. As to turning things around, I don't think so. It's impossible to turn around a "Titanic", when impact is minutes away. But in the end, we have the certainty of a renewed earth, the unwavering promise by the same creator that fashioned this earth in the first place.

Juanita: What is the ultimate message you are conveying to readers through your book "Multitudes at the Crossroads"?

Frank: Look around you, do not be deceived. Things are not as rosy as some would want you to believe. Do the research, get your own answers. See what the Bible says, examine the prophetic record. Be prepared.

Juanita: Why do you feel so passionately about getting the message of your book out there?

Frank: I feel very passionate about this message because time is running fast. I see my own children, my students and friends, living like there is no tomorrow. There is much one need to do to prepare for a storm. Ignoring it will not make it go away.

Juanita: Who should read your book?

Frank: All those that are concerned with what they see in CNN. Those that have taken leave of their relation with God. Those that are seeking answers. On the cover it also addresses "the would be critic" because I run into many intelligent and educated people that have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible and discard it without as much as a thought. I think we need to continue to seek answers because the more we know, the more educated our choices. We all need a wake up call about now.

Juanita: Frank, how can readers find out more about you and your book "Multitudes at the Crossroads?"

Frank: Visit . There you will be able to read excerpts from different chapters. They are the publishers, so the book will go out to you faster. Or you can buy the book from Amazon online on special order (it will take a little longer to get to you). If you would like to write to me, do so at

Juanita: Thanks so much for talking with us today Frank. You have given us much to think about as we continue on in our daily lives. Do you have any last thoughts for your readers?

Frank: Education is expensive. Ignorance is so much more so. If you hide your head in the sand, you will miss the grandest of all times, the one just ushering in.

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