A mysterious mad mastermind will rise to power quickly. Such persons do rise to power at critical times in history. These are mysterious persons who often come from the unexpected quarters and are not part of the establishment. Adolf Hitler was one such person.
Adolf Hitler rose to power very quickly because he was able to provide the people of the time what they thought they were looking for. The German economy was suffering and the Germans were looking for a savior to restore their self-belief as a nation and solve their economic crisis. Hitler called for a spiritual revolution, for a "positive Christianity" and a spirit of national pride to overcome the economic conditions of the day.
The current world economic system is heading for an economic collapse that has never been experienced in the history of mankind. For this to happen the world economy and financial system will have to be on the verge of collapse. The economies of India and China will be suffering, the Eastern and Western European economies will be at a standstill, the North American economy will imploding. South America, Africa, the Middle East and the rest of Asia will be in a financial crisis.
In the next thirty years, the growth of the global economy will surge at an unparalleled rate, fueled by the industrialization and technological equipping of the emerging economies. The problem will begin when economic growth can no longer be sustained and growth starts to subside. The world banking system will be in a crisis and governments will be seeking a solution in desperation.
A mysterious mastermind will arise and claim to have the answer. This person will generate new hope and declare the need for a world-wide governing body to oversee the other nations of the world. Just as Hitler came to power in Germany when the middle-class feared losing their social status in a revolution, so too will the world middle-class be desperate to accept any solution to save them. Promoting a spiritual revolution, a positive Christian humanism, and a spirit of middle-class pride, this mysterious mad mastermind will introduce measures that will resurrect the world economy, and once he is declared to be a global economic savior, he will proclaim himself to be Jesus Christ returned.
Many Christians believe that they could be raptured up into the sky at any moment today. This idea has been popular since the 1960s and has been made even more popular by Left Behind series of books and movies. These people believe that after they have left planet Earth, the Anti-Christ will appear and there will be seven years tribulation. But this is totally incorrect.
Not only is there not going to be seven years tribulation, the Bible says that people are not to be deceived by anybody suggesting that the mysterious mad mastermind (i.e. the man of sin who claims himself to be God) will appear after the rapture. In the book of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2., you will learn that this mysterious mad mastermind will appear before the rapture is to take place. Actually, Paul the apostle got this from the book of Daniel where it indicates that the actual event will take place forty-five days after this person claims to be God and sits in a throne in the Jewish temple. Actually, it makes sense that he call himself Jesus Christ, because this is who the Jews are looking for; this will also appease the Arabs and the Christians; the Hindus who have no problems with any incarnation, and the Buddhists will see him as another reincarnation of Buddha.
The sad thing is that all those Christians who were expecting Jesus Christ to rapture them up before the anti-Christ reveals himself, will most probably be deceived into believing that he is their Savior and commit the deadly sin of worshiping him; all because they do not know their Bible.
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