Thursday, March 11, 2010

American Dream Grant and American Dream Accounts

Hillary Clinton has stated that she has a plan for America and a Plan for the Middle Class. She has indicated any speech that she wishes to promote the American Dream Plan. The plan is to make the middle class affordable again. Hillary Clinton's plan does not sound like anything at least in a way she presents the plan that it is not something that the Democratic Party would necessarily subscribe to. Why do I say this?

Because the plan insists that all those receiving benefits from it would have to be responsible. This wording of the word responsible is not something you often see in Democrat giveaways. Is Hillary Clinton taking a chapter out of the Republican playbook in order to become more of a centrist?

One of the items in the plan is to promote scholarship grants and accounts for college or American Dream Grants, which would also give additional credence to attendance. And yet there are already all sorts of scholarships and such. The American Dream Accounts are interesting spin on the power of compounded interest and a smart idea at $500 for each new born and yet that number will need to be $1,000 due to expanding World economy and future inflation.

It is interesting all this pre-election maneuvering and even more interesting the economic issues during peak employment times and good economic growth. Will this political posturing help her and other democrats in the future elections? Perhaps we might all consider all this in 2006.

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