Giant posters of Adolf Hitler dressed in a bright pink outfit are upsetting people in Palermo, Italy. The posters are the work of an advertising agency and are intended to promote a line of clothing.
Some people are disturbed that anyone would use the image of one of history's greatest mass murderers to adorn bus stops and other public spaces. But those of us who have studied the 2012 End of Days prophecies are provoked to wonder if something deeper than an effort to sell clothes is going on here.
In the posters, not only is Hitler garbed in pink, his armband sports a pink heart instead of a swastika.
Among the recurring warnings of what is to come in the year 2012 is a prophesied world government that will present itself as a benign, even loving, force for good. It will turn out to the most nightmarish dictatorship in history, though.
It is easy to speculate that portraying Hitler as pink heart sort of guy could be a way to prepare people, especially the young folks who are the target of the ad campaign, for a strong man who with the persona of a sensitive, New Age sort of leader.
The ad agency says the posters are meant to be tongue in cheek. The wording on the posters reads, "Don't follow your leaders," a way to encourage young people not to follow the crowd when it comes to choosing fashion.
Still, in the context of worsening economic and political conditions in Europe and elsewhere, one has to wonder what plastering giant images of a "softened" dictator might do to people's readiness to accept a future Fuhrer. A pink Hitler could be another portent that of the 2012 End of Days.
By the way, the ad agency is planning to up the ante in the ad campaign. Next up, they say: Posters portraying Mao Tse Tung.
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