Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jubilee year and the current economic recession

You know, in the Bible ordered by the reality of economic recession? Every 49 years the people of Israel were invited to celebrate an anniversary year, the country broke out, all of the house, and he returned to the original owner. This year and next year there will be no new culture, people were invited to prepare. Imagine this: all 50 of Israel for many years, they know it will be a recession.

If you can predict when theInto the "recession will be, how would you do? Will be a step back and allow it to happen, or if you think your own steps and your company will be taken to prepare for the storm? Do you think you can even find a way to study the trends and economic recession to make your work? perhaps in these 40 extra storage space, 9 years, so you people no one had any foresight, they need to continue to let them see theTwo harvest years?

This is what we have to discuss the next section. You have to do to help themselves take no recession, everything you work so hard and what you can do to make this economic recession work for you. Keep in mind that there is nothing new recession. Men and women to survive a recession, as long as the withdrawal of the economy.
The question is, how would you do?

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